Stop Your Grinnin And Drop Your Linen

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Suicide Sundaes - Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen, Sunday is back. Greg and Thom are here to bring you the week's dirty servings, along with some old favorites, a throwback-throwdown to simpler times. A time when bangers were big, remixes were bigger, the bassline bled, and we didn't care about anything as long as came in kicking. Stop your grinnin', and drop your linen! We' re on the express elevator to hell, going down! Still, if you've got a minute or two to fill this morning, stop your grinnin' and drop your linen to enjoy the snazzy new trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines. It won't show you how Gearbox's FPS. Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen. Every so often, I'll get swept away by a solid 7/10 game. You know the sort, I'm sure - put together with a focus on one core mechanic. For other films in this series, see Alien (franchise).
Aliens is a 1986 sequel to 1979's Alien . It is an action science-fiction film about a team of Marines sent to restore contact with a lost colony that has been overrun by dangerous alien organisms. Bios7.bin bios9.bin firmware.bin download. Accompanying them is Ellen Ripley, still traumatized by her previous encounter with one of the creatures. Directed and written by James Cameron. Story by James Cameron, David Giler Walter Hill. This time it's war. (taglines) Ellen Ripley [ edit ]
You better just start dealing with it, Hudson! Listen to me! Hudson, just deal with it, because we need you and I'm sick of your bullshit.
You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.
[to the Alien Queen who is about to kill Newt] Get away from her, you BITCH!
Close your eyes, baby! Movie Quotes Stop Your Grinnin And Drop Your Linen Sergeant Apone [ edit ]
All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? It's another glorious day in the Corps. A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm: Every meal's a banquet. Every paycheck's a fortune! Every formation's a parade! I love the Corps! Private Hudson [ edit ]
I'm ready, man. Check it out! I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do not want to fuck with me. Check it out! Hey, Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out. Independently targeting particle-beam phalanx. WHAP! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase plasma pulse rifles, RPGs. We got sonic, electronic ball-breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks..
Yo! Stop your grinnin', and drop your linen! Found 'em!
We're on the express elevator to hell, going down!
They're coming outta the walls! They're coming outta the goddamn walls! Let's book!
What do you mean 'they cut the power'? How could they cut the power, man?! They're animals!
That's it, man. Game over, man. Game over! What the fuck are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do? Others [ edit ] Vasquez: You always were an asshole, Gorman. Hudson: Have you ever been mistaken for a man? Vasquez: No, have you? Dialogue [ edit ] Ripley : I don't understand this. We have been here for three and a half hours. How many different ways you want me to tell you the same story? Van Leuwen : Look at it from our perspective, please. [points at an empty chair] Please . [Ripley sits down] Now, you freely admit detonating the engines of, and thereby destroying an M-class star freighter, a rather expensive piece of hardware. Insurance attorney : Forty-two million in adjusted dollars. That's minus payload, of course. Van Leuwen : The lifeboat's flight recorder corroborates some parts of your account. In that for reasons unknown, the Nostromo set down on LV-426, an unsurveyed planet at that time. That it resumed its course and was subsequently set for self-destruct, by you, for reasons unknown. Ripley : Not for reasons unknown. I told you. We set down there on company's orders, to get this thing, which destroyed my crew. And your expensive ship. Van Leuwen : The analysis team, which went over the lifeboat centimeter by centimeter, found no physical evidence of the creature you describe. Ripley : [stands up] Good! That's because I blew it out of the goddamn airlock! Like I said. Insurance attorney : Are there any species like this hostile organism on LV-426? ECA representative : No, it's a rock. No indigenous life. Ripley : [sarcastically] Did IQs just drop sharply when I was away? Ma'am, I already said it was not indigenous, it was a derelict spacecraft, it was an alien ship, it was not from there. You get it? We homed in on its beacon. ECA representative : And found something never recorded once in any of the three hundred surveyed worlds [reads the report] 'A creature that gestates inside living human host', these are your words, 'and has concentrated acid for blood'. Ripley : That's right [beat] Look.. I can see where this is going, but I'm telling you those things exist. Van Leuwen : Thank you, officer, that will be all. Ripley : Please! You're not listening to me. Kane, the crew member.. Kane, who went into that ship, said he saw thousands of eggs there. Thousands . Van Leuwen : Thank you , that will be all. Ripley : Goddammit, that's not all! Because if one of those things gets down here, then that will be all, and all this [picks up documents] this bullshit that you think is so important [throws the documents on tabletop] you can just kiss all that goodbye! [long moment of silence; members of the hearing watch Ripley with disapproval] Van Leuwen : It is the finding of this court of inquiry that Warrant Officer E. Ripley, NOC 14472, has acted with questionable judgement, and is unfit to hold an ICC license as a commercial flight officer. Said license is hereby suspended indefinitely. Now, no criminal charges will be filed against you at this time, and you are released on your own recognizance for a six-month period of psychometric probation, to include monthly review by an ICC psychiatric technician. These proceedings are closed. Ripley : Van Leuwen? Why don't you just check out LV-426? Van Leuwen : Because I don't have to. There have been people there for over twenty years and they never complained about any hostile organisms. Ripley : [alarmed] What do you mean? What people? Van Leuwen : Terraformers. Planetary engineers. They go down there and set up these big atmosphere processors to make the air breathable. It takes decades. That's what we call 'shake'n'bake colony' [he tries to leave, but Ripley blocks his way with her arm] Ripley : How many are there? How many colonists? Van Leuwen : I don't know. Sixty, maybe seventy families [looks pointedly at Ripley's arm] Do you mind? Ripley : [lets him go and speaks to herself] Families. Jesus. [a conversation in Hadley's Hope main operations center, shortly before the xenomorph outbreak] Al Simpson: [to a co-worker, on his way leaving] I'll be down in maintenance, okay? Brad Lydecker: Al? Al Simpson: [absent-mindedly] What? Brad Lydecker: Hey, Al! Al Simpson: What? Brad Lydecker: Remember you sent some wildcatters out to the middle of nowhere last week, out past the Ilium Range? Al Simpson: Yeah, what? Brad Lydecker: One of them's on the horn, a mom-and-pop survey team. He says he's on to something. He wants to know if his claim will be honored. Al Simpson: Why wouldn't his claim be honored? Brad Lydecker: Well, because you sent them to that particular middle-of-nowhere on company orders, maybe? I don't know. Al Simpson: Christ! Some honch in a cushy office on Earth says 'go look at a grid reference'. We look. They don't say why, and I don't ask. I don't ask because it takes two weeks to get an answer out here, and the answer is always- Both: '-don't ask'. Brad Lydecker: So what do I tell this guy? Al Simpson: [sighs] Tell him as far as I'm concerned, if he finds something, it is his. Lydecker? [points towards the corridor] Brad Lydecker: What? [looks the way Al Simpson pointed and notices children playing there] You kids are not supposed to be on this level! Go on, get outta here! Ripley : I don't believe this. You guys throw me to the wolves, and now you want me to go back out there? Forget it. It's not my problem. Burke : Can I finish? Ripley : No. There's no way. Gorman : Ripley, you wouldn't be going in with the troops. I can guarantee your safety. Burke : These Colonial Marines are very tough hombres. They're packing state-of-the-art firepower. There's nothing they can't handle. Lieutenant, am I right? Gorman : That's true. We've been trained to deal with situations like this. Ripley : [scoffs] You don't need me. I'm not a soldier. Burke : Yeah, but we don't know exactly what's going on out there. It may just a downed transmitter, okay? But if it's not .. I'd like you to go there as an adviser. And that's all. Ripley : What's your interest in all this? Why are you going? Burke : Corporation co-financed that colony along with Colonial Administration. We're going into a lot of terraforming, building better worlds- Ripley : Yeah, yeah, I saw the commercial. Look, I don't have time for this. I've gotta get to work. Burke : Oh, yeah. I heard you're working at the cargo docks. Ripley : That's right. Burke : Running loaders and forklifts. Ripley : Yeah. So? Burke : Nothing. I think it's great that you're keeping busy. And I know it's the only thing you could get. Theres nothing wrong with it. [pause] What would you say if I told you I could get you reinstated as a flight officer? The company has already agreed to pick up your contract. Ripley : If I go. Burke : Yeah, if you go. Come on, that's a second chance, kiddo. I personally think for you the best thing in the world would be to get out there and face this thing, get back on the horse- Ripley : Spare me, Burke. I've already had my psych evaluation this month. Burke : Yeah, I know, I've read it. You wake up every night, your sheets are soaking with sweat- Ripley : [angrily] I said no, and I mean it! [in normal voice again] Now, please leave. I'm not going back. And I.. I wouldn't be any good to you if I did. Burke : Okay, shhh. Just do one thing for me, okay? Think this over [leaves calling card] Gorman : [leaving along with Burke] Thanks for the coffee. [Ripley and Burke are talking via video-link early in the morning] Burke : Hello? Ripley? You're okay? Ripley : Just tell me one thing, Burke. You're going out there to destroy them, right? Not to study, not to bring back, but to wipe them out. Burke : That's the plan. You have my word on it. Ripley : [pause] All right, I'm in [disconnects, then turns to Jones, her cat] And you, you little shithead, you're staying here. [when the Marines are waking up from cryo-sleep] Drake : They ain't pay us enough for this, man. Dietrich : Not enough to wake up every day to your face, Drake. Drake : What? Is that a joke? Dietrich : Oh, I wish it were. Drake : Hey, Hicks. Man, you look just like I feel. Apone : [walking along the line of cryo pods] All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! Day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet. Every paycheck a fortune. Every formation a parade. I love the Corps! Hudson : Man, this floor is freezing! Apone : What do you want me to do, fetch the slippers for ya? Hudson : Gee, would you, sir? I'd like that. Apone : [peels back his eyelid] Look into my eye! Vasquez : Hey, mira , who's Snow White? [indicates Ripley] Ferro : She's supposed to be some kind of consultant. Apparently, she saw an alien once. Hudson : Whoopee-fucking-doo. Hey, I'm impressed. Vasquez : Que bonita! Hudson : Hey, Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? Vasquez : No. Have you? [when Bishop 'bleeds' the white fluid, revealing he is an android] Ripley : [to Burke, agitated] You never said anything about android being aboard, why not? Burke : It never.. never occurred to me. It's just a common practice, we always have a synthetic on board. Bishop : I prefer the term 'artificial person' myself. Is there a problem? Burke : I'm sorry. I don't know why I didn't.. [to Bishop] On Ripley's last trip the synth- the artificial person malfunctioned. Ripley : 'Malfunctioned'?! Burke : We had some problems and, uh.. few deaths were involved. Bishop : I'm shocked. Was it an older model? Burke : Yeah. Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/2. Bishop : Well, that explains it. I mean, the A/2s always were a bit twitchy. That could never happen now with our behaviour inhibitors. It is impossible for me to harm, or by omission of action, allowed to be harmed, a human being. [hands the tray with corn bread to Ripley] Are you sure you don't want some? Ripley : [angrily knocks the tray out of Bishop's hand] Just stay away from me, Bishop. You got that straight? Gorman : Morning, Marines. Sorry we didn't have time to brief you, people, before we left gateway- Hudson : [raises his hand] Sir! Gorman : What is it, Hicks? Hudson : Hudson, sir. He's Hicks. Gorman : [beat] What is the question? Hudson : Is this gonna be stand-up fight, sir, or another bug-hunt? Gorman : All that we know is that there's still no contact with the colony and that.. a Xenomorph may be involved. Frost : Excuse me, sir, a.. a what? Gorman : A Xenomorph. Hicks : It's a bug-hunt. What exactly are we dealing with here? Gorman : Ripley? Ripley : [steps forward] I'll tell you what I know. We set down on LV-426. One of our crew members was brought back with something attached to his face, some kind of.. parasite. We tried to get it off, it wouldn't come off, later it seemed to come off by itself and died. Kane seemed fine. We were all having dinner and.. it.. must have laid something in his throat, some sort of embryo, he started.. uh.. he- Vasquez : Look, man. I only need to know one thing: where they are. [mimes pointing a gun] Drake : Go, Vasquez. Kick ass, man. Vasquez : Anytime, anywhere. Hudson : Right, right. Someone said 'alien', she thought they said illegal alien and signed up! Vasquez : Fuck you, man. Hudson : Anytime, anywhere. Ripley : [angrily] Are you finished? [comes closer and speaks to Vasquez] I hope you're right. I really do. Gorman : Yeah, OK, thank you, Ripley. We also have Ripley's report on disk. I suggest you study it - Ripley : Because just one of those things managed to wipe out my entire crew in less than 24 hours, and if the colonists have found that ship, there's no telling how many have been exposed. Do you understand? [there's a long moment of silence; marines just stare at Ripley, unimpressed] Gorman : Anyway, we have it on disk, so you better look at it. Any questions? [Hudson raises his hand again] What is it, Private? Hudson : [grinning] How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit? Apone : You secure that shit, Hudson! Ripley : How many drops for you is this, lieutenant? Gorman : Thirty-eight. Simulated. Vasquez : How many combat drops? Gorman : Uh, two. Including this one. Drake : Shit. Hudson : Oh-ho, man.. Ripley : I don't know how you managed to stay alive. But you're one brave kid, Rebecca. Newt : N-Newt. Ripley : What'd you say? Newt : Newt. My name is Newt. Nobody calls me Rebecca except my brother. Ripley : Newt? I like that. I'm Ripley. It's nice to meet you. And who is this? Newt : Casey. Ripley : Hello, Casey. What about your brother? What's his name? Newt : Timmy. Ripley : Is Timmy around here too? Maybe hiding like you were? [Newt doesn't answer] Any sisters? [Newt shakes her head] Mom and Dad? [Newt nods] Newt. Look at me. Where are they? Newt : They're dead, all right? Can I go now? Ripley : I'm sorry, Newt. Don't you think you'd be safer here with us? [Newt shakes her head] These people are here to protect you. They're soldiers. Newt : It won't make any difference. Ripley : Lieutenant, what do those pulse rifles fire? Gorman : 10 millimeter explosive-tip caseless. Standard light armor piercing round. Why? Ripley : Well, look where your team is. They're right under the primary heat exchangers. Gorman : So? Ripley : So .. if they fire their weapons in there, won't they rupture the cooling system? Burke : Whoa ho-ho.. yeah, she's absolutely right. Gorman : So? So what? Burke : Look, this whole station is basically a big fusion reactor, right? So she's talking about a thermonuclear explosion and.. adios, muchachos. Gorman : Oh, great. Wonderful. Shit! [talking via radio] Look.. Uh.. Apone. Look, we can't have any firing in there. I, uh.. I want you to collect magazines from everybody. Hudson : Is he fucking crazy? Frost : What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Harsh language? Gorman : Flame units only. I want rifles slung. Apone : Sir, I- Gorman : Just do it, Sergeant. And no grenades. Hicks : [pulls out a shotgun] I like to keep this handy. For close encounters. Frost : Yeah, I heard that. Vasquez : All right, we got seven canisters of CN-20. I say we roll them in there and nerve gas the whole fucking nest. Hicks : That's worth a try, but we don't know if it's gonna affect them. Hudson : Let's just bug out and call it even, OK? What are we even talking about this for? Ripley : I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Hudson : Fuckin' A! Burke : Ho- ho- Hold on a second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it. Ripley : [scoffs] They can bill me. Burke : Okay, look. This is an emotional moment for all of us, all right? I know that. But let's not make snap judgments, please. This is clearly an important species we're dealing with here, and I don't think you or I or anybody has the right to arbitrarily exterminate them. Ripley : Wrong! Vasquez : Yeah, watch us. Hudson : Maybe you're not keeping up on current events. We just got our asses kicked, pal! Burke : Look, I'm not blind to what's going on, but I cannot authorize that kind of action. I'm sorry. Ripley : Well, I believe Corporal Hicks has authority here. Burke : Corporal Hicks is..? Ripley : This operation is under military jurisdiction, and Hicks is next in chain of command. Am I right, Corporal? Hicks : Yeah.. yeah, that's right. Burke : Yeah.. look, Ripley, this is a multi-million dollar installation, OK? He can't make that kind of decision. He's just a grunt! Uh, no offense. Hicks : None taken. Ferro, do you copy? Ferro : [via radio] Standing by. Hicks : Prep for dust-off. We're going to need immediate evac. Ferro : Roger. We're on our way. Hicks : All right. We take off. Nuke the site from orbit. [glances at Ripley in agreement] It's the only way to be sure. [The dropship crashes and explodes] Hudson : That's great. That's just fucking great, man. Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty shit now, man! Hicks : [grabs Hudson and draws him closer] You finished? Newt : I guess we're not going to be leaving right now, then? Ripley : I'm sorry, Newt. Newt : You don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your fault. Hudson : That's it! Game over, man! Game over! What the fuck are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do? Burke : Maybe we could build a fire and sing couple of songs, huh? Why don't we try that?! Newt : We'd better get back because it'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night. Mostly. [the surviving Marines take refuge in the colony after the dropship's crash, gathering all equipment they got left] Hicks : That's absolutely everything we can salvage from the APC wreckage. We've got four pulse rifles, with about fifty rounds each. That ain't so good. We got, uh, fifteen of these M-40 grenades. [Newt reaches for a grenade] Don't touch that. Dangerous, honey. Ripley : Is that the only flamethrower? Hicks : Yeah. It's only half-full, but it's functional. Got another one, it's damaged, so I don't know about that one. But the good news.. We've got four of these robot sentries, with display and scanners intact. They really kick ass. They'll come in handy. Ripley : How long after we're declared overdue we can expect a rescue? [long moment of silence] Hicks : [deadpan] Seventeen days. Hudson : Seventeen days ? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! These things are going to come here like they did before and they're gonna.. [starts rambling unintelligibly] Ripley : Hudson! HUDSON! [Hudson stops talking] This little girl survived longer than that with no weapons and no training [to Newt] Right? [Newt looks at them and salutes playfully] Hudson : [scoffs] Why don't you put her in charge?! Ripley : You better start dealing with it, OK!? Listen to me! Hudson, just deal with it, because we need you, and I'm sick of your bullshit. I want you to get into the terminal and get me some kind of floor plan of this building. Construction blueprints, I don't care, anything that shows us a layout of this place. You listening? Hudson : [distraught] Yeah. Ripley : I need to see air ducts, I need to see electrical access tunnels, sub-basements, every possible way into this complex [beat] We don't have much time. Hudson (pulling himself together with a visible effort) : Yeah. Yeah, I'm on it. Ripley : Hudson! Just relax. [Hudson exhales loudly and leaves] Bishop : I'm gonna be in the med-lab. Check on Gorman, continue my analysis. Ripley : All right. You do that. [Ripley is putting Newt to bed in the med bay] Ripley : Last stop. Get in. [Newt lies down on the bed] Scoot down. That's good. Now, you lie here and have a nap. You're very tired. Newt : I don't want to. I have scary dreams. Ripley : Well, I bet Casey doesn't have scary dreams. Let's take a look. [holds up Casey] Nope. Nothing bad in there. See? Maybe you could try to be just like her, hmm? Newt : Ripley, she doesn't have bad dreams because she's just a piece of plastic. Ripley : [smiles] Right. I'm sorry, Newt. [turns on heater] There. Newt : My mommy always said there were no monsters, no real ones, but there are. Ripley : Yes, there are, aren't there? Newt : Why do they tell little kids that? Ripley : Most of the time it's true. Newt : Did one of those things grow inside her? Ripley : I don't know, Newt. That's the truth. Newt : Isn't that how babies come? I mean, people babies? They grow inside you. Ripley : [smiles] Oh, that's very different. Newt : Did you ever have a baby? Ripley : Yes, I did. I had a little girl. Newt : Where is she? Ripley : She's gone. Newt : You mean dead. Ripley : Here. Take this. [gives Newt her wristwatch] For luck. There's that. [switches off the light] Newt : [grabs Ripley's arm] Don't go, please. Ripley : Newt, I'm gonna be right in the next room. And you see that camera right up there? [points to security camera] I can see you right through that camera, all the time to see if you're safe. I'm not gonna leave you, Newt. I mean that. That's a promise. Newt : You promise? Ripley : I cross my heart. Newt : And hope to die? Ripley : And hope to die. [Newt hugs her, Ripley kisses her on the cheek] Now, go to sleep, and don't dream. Burke : Look, those two specimens are worth millions to the bio-weapons division. Now, if you're smart, we can both come out of it as heroes, and we will be set up for life. Ripley : [beat] You're crazy, Burke, you know that? You really think you can get a dangerous organism like that past ICC quarantine? Burke : How can they impound it if they don't know about it? Ripley : Oh, but they will know about it, Burke. From me. Just like they'll know that you were responsible for the deaths of 157 colonists! Burke : Wait a second Ripley : You sent them to that ship! Burke : You're wrong! Ripley : I just checked the colony log. Directive dated 6/12/79, signed Burke, Carter J. You sent them out there and you didn't even warn them! Why didn't you warn them, Burke? Burke : Okay, look. What if that ship didn't even exist? Did you ever think about that? I didn't know! So now, if I went and made a major security situation out of it, everybody steps in. Administration steps in, and there are no exclusive rights for anybody; nobody wins. So I made a decision, and it was wrong. It was a bad call, Ripley. It was a bad call. Ripley : 'Bad call'? [grabs Burke by the collar and presses him to the window] These people are dead , Burke! Don't you have any idea what you've done here?! Well, I'm gonna make sure that they nail you right to the wall for this! You're not gonna sleaze your way out of this one! Right to the wall! [lets him go and starts to walk away] Burke : Ripley.. [Ripley stops and turns around] You know, I.. I expected more from you. I thought you'd be smarter than this. Ripley : [takes a breath] I'm happy to disappoint you. Ripley : [looking out the window at the atmosphere processing plant] It's very pretty, Bishop, but what are we looking for? Bishop : [points at gas flaring from the reactor] That's it. Emergency venting. Hudson : Oh, that's beautiful, man. Oh, man, that - that just beats it all. Hicks : How long till it blows? Bishop : Four hours. [Hicks groans] With a blast radius of 30 kilometers, equal to about.. 40 megatons. Hicks : We got problems. Hudson : I don't believe this, I don't fucking believe this! Bishop : Vasquez, close the shutters. [Vasquez closes the shutters] Ripley : Why can't we shut it down from here? Bishop : I'm sorry, the crash caused too much damage. An overload is inevitable at this point. Hudson : Oh, man, and I was getting short. Four more weeks and out. Now I'm gonna buy it on this rock. It ain't half fair, man! Vasquez : Hudson, give us a break! Hudson : Four more weeks. Oh, man.. Ripley : Well, we've got to get the other dropship from the Sulaco . I mean, there must be some way of bringing it down on remote. Hudson : How? The transmitter was on the APC, it's wasted! Ripley : Well, I don't care how, but we'd better think of something. We'd better think of a way. Hudson : Think of what?! We're fucked! Hicks : Shut up! Hudson : We're doomed-! Hicks : [louder] Shut up! [to Bishop] What about the colony transmitters? The uplink tower down at the other end. Why can't we use that-? Bishop : No, I checked. The hardware in between here and there was damaged. We can't align the dish. Ripley : Well, somebody's gonna have to go out there. Take a portable terminal, go out there and patch in manually. Hudson : Oh, yeah, sure! With those things runnin' around? You can count me out. Bishop : [speaking under Hudson] I'll go. Hicks : Yeah, I guess we can just count you out of everything, Hudson. Hudson : That's right, man! Hey, why don't you go, man! Bishop : [more loudly] I'll go. Ripley : What? Bishop : I'll go. I mean, I'm the only one qualified to remote pilot the ship anyway. Hudson : Yeah, right, man. Bishop should go. Good idea! Bishop : Believe me, I'd prefer not to. I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid. Stop Your Grinnin And Drop Your Linen Acdc [after Burke is revealed as the one who set the facehuggers loose on Ripley and Newt] Hudson : [aiming his rifle at Burke] I say we grease this rat fuck-son-of-a-bitch right now! Hicks : It just doesn't make any goddamn sense. Ripley : He figured he could get the alien past the quarantine if one of us was.. impregnated - whatever you call it - and frozen for the way home. Nobody would know about the embryos we're carrying. Me and Newt. Hicks : Wait a minute, now, we'd all know. Ripley : Yes, the only way he could do it is if he sabotaged certain freezers on the way home. Namely, yours. Then he could jettison the bodies and make up any story he liked. Hudson : Fuck! He's dead! [aims his rifle at Burke again] You're dogmeat, pal! Burke : This is so nuts. I mean listen.. listen to what you're saying. It's all paranoid delusion. It's really sad. It's pathetic. Ripley : You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over a goddamn percentage. Taglines [ edit ]
This time it's war.
There are some places in the universe you don't go alone. Stop Your Grinnin And Drop Your Linen Origin Cast [ edit ] Bill Paxton Stop Your Grinnin And Drop Your Linen
Sigourney Weaver - Ellen Ripley
Carrie Henn - Rebecca 'Newt' Jorden
Michael Biehn - Corporal Dwayne Hicks
Lance Henriksen - Bishop
Paul Reiser - Burke
Bill Paxton - Private Hudson
William Hope - Lieutenant Gorman
Jenette Goldstein - Private Vasquez
Al Matthews - Sergeant Apone
Mark Rolston - Private Drake
Ricco Ross - Private Frost
Colette Hiller - Private Ferro
Daniel Kash - Private Spunkmeyer
Cynthia Dale Scott - Private Dietrich
Tip Tipping - Private Crowe
Trevor Steedman - Private Wierzbowski External links [ edit ] Wikipedia has an article about:
Aliens quotes at the Internet Movie Database
Aliens at Rotten Tomatoes Retrieved from ''
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